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Actually, Every Day is Mother’s Day
Isn’t it amazing when you reach the point in your life where NO apology is necessary for being who you are? For me, bar none.
Happy Valentine’s Day
LOVE IS “IN THE AIR” INDEED AS WE CELEBRATE ANOTHER VALENTINE’S DAY. However, is it not interesting how we can never ever wander beyond the
Increase Circulation, Decrease Procrastination
After talking to a dear friend, I realized how many of us procrastinate about everything, especially exercise. Yes, it is cold, hot, raining, snowing,
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas As I prayed for guidance in my Christmas message this morning, I opened this and it truly says it all. Christmas hugs
The Magic of “I Am”
Just recently, I heard this quote from paster Joel Osteen: “Whatever follows ‘I am’ is going to coming looking for you.”We need to think about
Courage 101
Courage, it began before we could even pronounce the word.Yes, from taking our first baby steps, to entering our first educational and sports arena, we
A Good Conversationalist is a Good Listener
FATHER’S DAY I can still hear my father saying those words many times before he died some years ago. My father was full of wit
Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day! This parable seemed just the perfect message… A Little Parable for Mothers Temple Bailey The young mother sat her foot on
Exercise Up
Perhaps, this should be titled “Excuse Up.” We have made the decision including:Invested in a trendy piece of exercise equipment,Joined a popular gym,Signed up for
Stop Surviving Start Thriving
The truth is, if we do not eat our vegetables and fruits in life, our body both mentally and physically will not perform at optimum
Happy Valentine’s Day
Personally, I believe Valentine’s Day should be a legal holiday right up there with Christmas, Thanksgiving, Fourth of July and of course your birthday. Such
No Worries, No Hurries
Wow, it is January, 2012, and most of you have either made resolutions, promises, started new habits, or not and started, stopped, started all over